
Have started again and again...weight loss, organizing, keeping life simple...the list goes on and on. I am human and can only take one step at a time. I want to share my stories of life and get feedback on how to make the best of it.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Work wants to kill me...

This is what I ran into on my way to the lue...WTH!!??  I must add to the left of this is another table full of chips, cookies, and other fattening choices.  OMG!!!!  I take a deep breath and I....WALK ON BY! YAY for me!  There was some fruit and veggies on the table but I don't need any of it because I have a ton at my desk already.  I need to stop the habit of getting something from the table of goodies.  This place I work at will put an additional 10 pounds a year on someone with all the "gatherings" of food. 

This tempting table will have food on it all day so I MUST go a different way to the bathroom.  I do not want the temptation every time and I am going a lot with all this water consumption!

Switching gears a bit.  I bought a pair of those walking shoes that are toners.  Not the rocking kind but the one with what feels like balls in the soles.  I don't know if they are toning but they sure feel good to walk in!  So far I love them! 

I thought that I wasn't going to get to walk today but I think I will be able to after all.  That makes me happy!  I think it will a bit shorter though because I used up some of my time to go grocery shopping.  Multitasking...

So my entry yesterday about sweet snacks and how I was having issues.  Well I bought some Nutella.  I will eat it with my apple.  That should help me out and not want to jump up and eat my co-workers M&M's!!  Oh yes, not only is there a table of goodies but just about every cubicle has treats too!  SHEEESH! I am just going to plant myself in my cubicle and never leave! :)

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