
Have started again and again...weight loss, organizing, keeping life simple...the list goes on and on. I am human and can only take one step at a time. I want to share my stories of life and get feedback on how to make the best of it.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Goals and Guilt...

So I have been thinking a lot about goals and guilt.  Two "G's" that seem to go together.
Goals both long term and short term.  Long term is easy peasy...I want to:
Look this cute in this shirt.  Right now, total back fat role and belly...UGH.

I want my butt to look this cute in my jeans too!  :)  I know it can...I just have to lose a few layers!

So long term goals: check

Short term goals are a bit harder.  I am so afraid of failing them.  But if I write them down and get them out there then there is hope.  :)  I can be held accountable.

1.  Get in the habit of exercise.
2.  Eat a cleaner/healthier diet.
3.  Make time for me and still be a good mom and wife.
4. Get over my sugar addiction.
5. Get to 180
6. Get to 170
7. Get to 160
8. Get to 150
9. Get to 140
10.  Be less stressed

That is just the beginning. And funny that they all go hand in hand.  Before, I gave myself a list of rewards for accomplishments.  I never reached one.  This time it will be different.  I have been reading other blogs and I start from their starting point and read to most current.  They all start the same.  They all start the same way I am starting.  Fears, failing, starting, failing, starting again.  You could see them drop off the blog world for a bit only to come back and feel bad.  But then a miracle starts happening, and it happened in all the blogs I read, they start seeing a difference!!!!  They start weighing less, losing inches, feeling good, and their blogs start to get more positive! They talk about the past and what is different.  They keep at it and WALA...they reach their goals.  So what if we started out more positive?  What if we don't be so hard on ourselves and just breathe and keep moving forward?  How come we let guilt take over and cause us to fail?  Darn it, if I can see this then why do I let it happen?  So there, it is out there in blog land and out of my mind where it can swim and fester...guilt is out!  Positive in... moving on to achieve my goals.

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