
Have started again and again...weight loss, organizing, keeping life simple...the list goes on and on. I am human and can only take one step at a time. I want to share my stories of life and get feedback on how to make the best of it.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Ya thats right!

I'm sweaty and proud of it! And I'm showing my love at work! Lol!

Saturday, January 14, 2012


I am in love with my shelves my husband made me! Aren't they beautiful? He welded the brackets or whatever you call the holders, lol, out of horseshoes to match the rest of our western decor.

And by the way, the skull is a buffalo. His name is Charlie.

Looking for cows

So every day my little boy crawls as fast as he can to the window when he hears his daddy coming to feed the cows in the feed lot next to our house. There are always cows staring at us through this window!

But he was sleeping during feeding this morning and when he got up he went to check out the cows through the window and he couldn't see them! He started to get the big frown sad cry face that is just so cute/sad at the same time! Well daddy is working cows today. I had to tell my baby boy that the cows will be back soon.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wednesday weigh in

So I weighed in 182.8! That's a loss of 2.8 and back to where I was prior to the holidays lol. So I feel god about that!

I have been researching and learning about what foods to be eating that are food for me. I have been eating a lot more protein and fiber. I bought some vanilla almond milk to see what that tastes like.

I am feeling pretty good! Going to exercise tomorrow. Going to bed now lol! It's been a long couple of days.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I have a question...

After losing weight I see that some people fall of the wagon so to say. What is it that made you fall? What made you think it was on again to eat unhealthy or not exercise? What was your trigger?

If we work so hard at losing weight and striving at healthy eating and exercise so that it is our way of life, why do we give it up?

I have to admit I have gained and I believe I am back at 186. But with eating clean for the last couple of days I hope to see a little change in the scale tomorrow and even more next Wednesday. I have a banquet to go to this weekend but I will bring my own foods just in case my options are slim. I am going to have my husband there I help me and tell me no if need be lol! And also it is PMS time. So now wonder I am wanting chocolate!!!

What will the scale say tomorrow?

Eat clean

So I am day 2 of totally clean eating. Yesterday I had a headache by the end of the day. I wanted to start this after my birthday that was on Sunday. Cause my daughter made me an awesome birthday cake!

So I have still been on the lookout for examples of people following healthy lifestyles and what their day is like. I got a great response from Keelie! Thank you Keelie!
Majority of the time I feel pretty good about myself and how I'm looking and am able to go about my day positively. I think to myself that I'm healthier, I'm skinnier, I look damn good! Then I see a reflection and say "who the heck is that?" "ick!". "need to fix this!" HA! Then I have to mentally start over. Sometimes I have even said to myself "oh geez, I forgot I look like that". So at least I can forget and work on the change. Lol.

People judge by how many times you start over. But really weight loss is always in our mind so did we really stop?

Still taking comments on how you live your healthy lifestyle day to day. What's your average day look like? What thoughts or decisions do you have to make to stay lean?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Live your life like a healthy person

So over the past week I have refreshed myself in this healthy journey and I have run across the saying "live your day like you've lost 50 pounds an you will end up there" "live like a healthy person". I understand the general concept of this way if thinking and it make sense but my question is how does the average everyday healthy person live? What is an example of their day? Do they constantly think of ways to b healthy or does it just come naturally? Do they say to themselves "if I eat this I will gain weight"? Or do they just go about their marry way? What do thy do when they see a plate of brownies or a box of pizza? What about when they are dragging butt tired? I would love for my readers to answer these questions for me. I would love to here about your average day no matter how boring it may be to you or how simple I may seem. To me it is the most interesting! I may have to ask a few people I know I they would be willing to journal their day for me. What does Adar in the life of a healthy person who isn't trying to lose weight look like???