
Have started again and again...weight loss, organizing, keeping life simple...the list goes on and on. I am human and can only take one step at a time. I want to share my stories of life and get feedback on how to make the best of it.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Miss me? I was a busy bee!

Hello folks, sorry for my absence I couldn't seem to get my blackberry to blog this weekend.  It was a busy weekend and I did get some walking in!!! YA for me! I got through a weekend and still walked.  I seem to have trouble with that, especially with both kids there.  So here is a break down for you...Saturday we waited around our friends house, standing outside, while 5 horses got some shiny new shoes.  Then on Sunday we went to the lake with some family so that was fun exercise! Then on Monday I walked on the treadmill for a half hour while my baby boy watched me in his little seat.  My daughter was watching cartoons and doing a craft project.  My treadmill is OLD! I think it might be on its last leg too cause it won't hold it's speed so it's a bit challenging! LOL! 
There it is...the mean machine!  I don't think she is too accurate, so I just go on time when I walk on her.  The one nice thing is that when it's a 100 outside, it is cool in the house and walking on the treadmill is wayyy better!!
Speaking of hot...I walked on Tuesday outside. 
Down the dirt driveway which is about a 1/2 mile one way I believe. 

Then down to the straight stretch in front of the ranch.  I walked probably 1 mile down and back. 

The back has a little hill to walk up, pushing a stroller up is a GREAT workout!!!  Holy smokes! 

My stroller...I had to walk beside it so that my boy could see me.  He cries the WHOLE TIME in the stroller.  I have tried everything but he just doesn't like it I guess.  Anyone have any ideas on how to get him to like it?  Will he just grow out of this?  He cries in his car seat too all the way to town which is a 1/2 hour each way!  UGH!  LOL!  Love the little bugger! 

As I look at that picture, it just makes me want to not stop moving!  I want to reach my goal and I want to reach it fast!!! 

I watched an interesting show on Dr. Oz the other night about his diet that he promotes.  He was talking about what foods to buy in the store and to just keep to the perimeter for the "good for you foods". He talked about canned Salmon and how it is just as good as the fresh but way cheaper.  So I bought a couple cans and I am going to give it a whirl.  Also that a rutabaga can be substituted for a potato for more nutrients and less carbs.  So I am going to give that a whirl too!  He also had the Dean Brothers on there to make healthy cheap meals!  I am going to go back to the website and check those out!!!  What tips have you learned along the way???  My challenge will be to get the rest of the family to eat my experiments! :)  I just won't tell them! :) HA!

So tomorrow is weigh in day...I don't feel like I have lost much weight, if any, but I feel better physically and mentally.  I feel empowered and strong(er).  I have a long ways to go but I will get there. 

Still working on the secret challenge...waiting to hear back from my challenger! :)

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