
Have started again and again...weight loss, organizing, keeping life simple...the list goes on and on. I am human and can only take one step at a time. I want to share my stories of life and get feedback on how to make the best of it.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Mental Hurdles

How long is the race of mental hurdles?

During my course of healthy living, I have stumbled across a lot of things I didn't know about myself. 
  1. I like me!
  2. I like to walk!
  3. I like to hike!
  4. I am my own worst enemy!
  5. I am smart!
  6. I talk myself down!
  7. I point out my own negativity's!
  8. I tell myself I can't!
  9. I have muscle!
  10. I talk to myself a lot!
My first major hurdle I need to overcome is me.  I was walking on the treadmill this weekend and was reflecting on what I have done over the week.  Not much.  And then I thought why?  Because I was feeling really down about jogging.  The way I feel after I jog and how I want to like to do it but my legs won't let me. I would rather walk. Fast! LOL!  So then after a mile of walking fast, my legs felt loose and I thought, maybe I need to walk a mile before I can jog? It seems like such a lot of time to take to warm up to jog, but I guess if that is what I want to do, then I have to do it.  Then I thought, I don't want to.  I like to walk. I could walk all day long!!  So instead of quiting like I would have done before because I couldn't do something, I am going to do what I CAN do and go from there.  I need to stop putting myself down!!  I'm telling you, it is horrible the things I think!  So then when someone pays a compliment to me, I have taught myself not to believe them.  Because, how could I possibly be what they see?  They can't possibly believe what they are saying, they are just being nice.  Now, how is thinking like that going to do me any good?  I need to feel good about me!  In order to make change physically, I need to change this inside crap! 

So after 2 miles, I thought "how do I change the inside crap?"  Still looking for the answer...but I am going to take it one day at a time.  First, I am going to look in the mirror in the morning and pick out something I do like about me and say it out loud.  And believe it! Does that sound like a good start??

I have read on many healthy lifestyle changing blogs about their mental hurdles about what they thought of themselves.  I didn't really pay any attention to how I was treating myself at the time.  I kept thinking as I read, how silly they were because they are beautiful women! 

So on my last mile on the treadmill, I saw a show on MTV "I used to be fat."  It was actually a pretty good show.  It seems to me that most people going through changes like I am going through go through this mental ickiness.  But by conquering their fears and moving past their comfort zones, they get to this better place. 

Does that really happen?  Will I get to that better place?  And when? 

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