
Have started again and again...weight loss, organizing, keeping life simple...the list goes on and on. I am human and can only take one step at a time. I want to share my stories of life and get feedback on how to make the best of it.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

There is always the beginning.

And I want to get to the end!!!  :)  Losing weight, starting again is the easy part, it is making it to the finish line that is difficult.  I realize that I just had a baby 4 months ago via c-section but I wasn't fit and sexy to begin with! My husband and I get these western clothing magazines and I want so badly to get some new clothes but I want to feel good in them!  I want to look cute!  My husband is younger than me by a few (11) years, and I want to look good for me and him!  Of course he already thinks I'm sexy but I want to FEEL it!  Really I have a outlook, when I am not looking in the mirror or at pictures of myself, I feel thinner than I see myself.  I see pictures and go "wholy smokes, that is me? YIKES!" not at all how I feel like I look on the inside. So that is good right?  I guess that means, I am bigger than I think!!!!  Oh geeze, I better move on...

Seriously folks, I am obsessed with thinking about this.  I think I'm sick in the head, or maybe this is MY start to the end...finally!  To finally live happily ever after!!!  My fairytale! :)

So I figure I will start with just one thing and focus on that positive life change.  Exercise seems to be the first thing I want to do.  I walk.  I walk at my 10:00am break and at my 3:00pm break for 15 minutes at least.  I have been walking at my lunch breaks for at least a half an hour to 45 minutes.  I have to change my clothes and eat, so that cuts about 15 minutes into my time.  I walk around town as I don't have a gym membership.  I can't afford one, so I have to be creative.  I don't have time to go to the gym, I travel an hour a day total to work and back, I have the baby full time and a 9 year old every other week.  So I just have my lunch hours for now. I want to take a stab at jogging someday but I think I need to stick to walking right now.  I have a very old treadmill at home, it works though.  :)  it doesn't incline at all, just the straight and narrow.  So I am going to strap my baby on with the Moby wrap and take some steps.  I have done this in the past and with intentions to keep going but life happens, baby doesn't sleep well one night and I am screwed for the week!!!  No energy to function with life duties..and that always seems to happen when I am making changes like this.  But to look at it in a positive way, if I lose some weight, I may not be so tired and be able to handle the nights that go bad better!  Sounds good to me!  Also, my feet hurt a lot...probably because of my weight! 

I have an idea that I am toying with for motivation...a challenge.  :)  Keep ya posted!

I am just grateful my husband loves me for me and that no matter what, I have my family forever and always. 

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