
Have started again and again...weight loss, organizing, keeping life simple...the list goes on and on. I am human and can only take one step at a time. I want to share my stories of life and get feedback on how to make the best of it.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Week three!

I have been getting up at 4am most days and two days a week have used my lunch hour to do my P90X workout! I still love it! Lol! It is so rewarding and challenging. I feel stronger and I am wearing a pair if prepregnancy jeans today!

I have a coach with this program that doesn't live to far from me and I am going to get some shakeology from get. They are protein meal replacement shakes. I love my protein shakes so I think I might as well follow the whole program and BRING IT the best I can!

Anyone else out there try this program?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


So week one is in the books and week two is almost half way over!  It is flying by, never thought I would say that about extreme exercise! The only downfall this week is that I have a cold.  It is bringing me down, down, down!!!!  But the upside is that it won't last forever!  I am noticing a difference already and I know by the end of the first month, I will be rocking some muscles! This program is TOUGH!

I have found by asking some people that are doing this program too, that they don't appear or even have told me that they aren't sore.  How can that be???  I have asked others who have done it before who are in excellent shape about this and they tell me not to worry, they just aren't pushing themselves or are not doing it right.  Made me feel better but also made me feel kind of sad for the people who aren't pushing themselves.  Why do the program if your not going to go extreme?  That is what it is all about! But kudos to them for pushing play right? 

I have been experimenting and researching recovery drinks that don't cost a fortune.  Any ideas?

That time of year!!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Hey folks! 
My husband and I are on a journey together.  We finished day 3 of P90X together this morning! Let me tell you, we get up at 4am, we BRING IT for over an hour and then we drink protein shakes together!  This is probably the best thing for our marriage! LOL! Mentally, physically, and emotionally. 

This program is extreme that is for sure.  I feel so sore but yet so good.  I am tired.  But I do want to do it again the next day.  The first day was a lot of push ups and pull ups.  The next day was Plyometrics.  As long as it wasn't push ups or pull ups, I was happy! :)  This morning was shoulders and arms. Last night I didn't think I would be able to do it because I was so sore and stiff from Monday's workout, but after stretching out and getting warmed up, I was able to perform to the best of my ability.  I was shocked and very pleased with myself and with my husband.  :) 

It is funny because my husband is pretty fit and very active with his job.  He keeps checking to see how I am feeling and if I am sore.  I say yes and he is relieved because he is too!  LOL!  So I know it is working us both!

I am psyched to see what this will do with our physical states!  :)  I know I can do this for the whole 90 days.  So when I am done maybe I will share my before and after photos? :)


Friday, February 3, 2012

Hello folks!

I have been missing in action lately.  Still moving and eating the best I can and still living life to the fullest.  A lot of things are going on in my life and I only have so much time during the day and blogging got put to the wayside.  But I miss you. 

Monday my hubby and I are starting P90X!  I am so excited to work out with him and he is just as excited!! We have taken our before pictures and our measurements.  He isn't overweight by any means but does want to bulk up and have some rippling muscle definition.  And I of course want the same, but am not starting out as "not overweight".  HA!

I have been happier and life is great right now.  I am content and the forces that try to beat me down, just don't seem to get through like they use to.  My family is awesome.  

I am going to sign off with an awesome photo I took yesterday....